A generous fire for big homes with plenty of customisation options. The Contessa has a 3kw or 5kw hot water heater option situated in the second chamber of the firebox, which adds efficiency.

  • Homes over 150m²
  • Estimated peak output 23kw
  • Wetback available
  • Quality cast iron top
  • 10 Year Warranty*

Black firebox with range of tile options for side
Cast iron top plate excellent for cooking
Fire stays warm up to 8 hours - as factory tested

Large tile options for side
3kw or 5kw hot water heater
Base options: legs, pedestal or platform
Silver or black nuts and matching rails
Outside air adaptor

ModelComplianceWetbackFirebox Dimensions
Contessa ULEBCM1No340h x 500w x 320d
Contessa Air GuardECan & MFE3kw option340h x 500w x 320d
Contessa RuralRural (over 2ha)3kw or 5kw option340h x 500w x 320d

Customize your Firenzo Fireplace

Please click on the options to see what each option looks like, you can then submit your enquiry by clicking the button below.


Base Pedestal Base

Pedestal BaseLegsPlatform

Tops Silver


Tiles Antique Copper 600 x 600mm

Antique Copper 600 x 600mmLatte 600 x 600mmPolished Black 600 x 600mmLightening 600 x 600mmCast  600 x 600mmAntique Silver 600 x 600mmConcrete Grey 600-x-600mmMatt White 600 x 600mmWhite Lightning 600 x 600mm
Enquire About This Product